Black Bear
This year Craig and I decided to expand our usual hunting season and species. Fall and Spring Black Bear is definitely not something that either one of us has mastered. So as an introductory hunt we are offering it at a reduced price per day and kill fee. The kill fee does not change with the size of the bear.
In the Spring Black Bears here in Oregon spend a lot of time grazing the south-facing slopes, eating skunk cabbage, and other easily accessible food sources. The warmer weather in the spring tends to bring them out in a hurry, one day they aren’t there and the next they are. The spring hunt will be very dependent on the weather as are most hunts regardless of the species. More than 75% of the hunting will be conducted on public ground. Douglas and Coos County have high bear populations and the chances of you harvesting a nice mature bear are good. In the fall the hunting will be focused again around their easily accessible food sources such as salmonberries and blackberries.